Geodata or Geographic data are the graphic synthesis of a part of the displayed geographic features, that is to say, a selection of characteristics which define the real features from a spatial, temporal and thematic point of view. It is the basic component of a Spatial Data Infrastructure. The present website publishes the different available services and geographic applications in order to let citizens, public-sector body or private entities to access through an interoperable system.
Check the geographic information directory to find all the cartography products published in the present geographic website.
The geographic information published in the present website have to meet the requirements described in the Cartographic Regulation of Aragón, under the following directives:
- Spatial Reference System: ETRS89 is the obligatory Spatial Reference System for all the cartography or geographic products: Real Decreto 1071/2007 del 27 de julio, decrees the official geodesic reference system in Spain
- The characteristics of the reference system with reference to the delivered geographic information are the following: This document includes all the cartographic requirements about the spatial reference system. The transformations between the different reference systems, projection UTM zones and ellipsoid to orthometric altitudes, will be worked out according to the IGN grid system. The grid used to make the conversion from ED50 to ETRS89 can be downloaded in the following url: Grid to ETRS89 conversion.
- The projection file (prj, ers, tfw, jgw) which defines the official coordinate system, is included in the digital geographic information. Additionally, geographic information referenced to the ED50 projection system will be available. The Geodata Exchange Format will be quoted in the following link depending on the used data model: This document includes specifications about Reference System formats.
For additional information, please do consult the following specific article of the Cartographic Regulation of Aragón: 7.2.2. Geodata.