The Gazetteer (WFS-G) is defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) as a particular WFS service in which the positioning of the spatial information is determined by text requests (based on geographic names). The WFS-G service manages the Geographic Catalogue of Names of Aragón and also offers the possibility of search a geographic name. The WFS-G service admits an entity name as an input (geographic name) and returns its positioning using coordinates. Additionally, the query by place name makes possible to set other criteria, such as the required spatial bounding box or the sort of feature. The Aragon Government implements this service by Deegree.

The standard defines three actions:
  1. GetCapabilities, It returns the formal description or the metadata service in order to determine the available options. It consists of two main elements: FeatureTypeList y FilterCapabilities.
  2. GetFeature It returns a geographic entity or feature previously input into the server, depending on the spatial query. It also depends on other suitable filters which are used by the WFS to take back the result of the search containing the entire geometry and the associated attributes. The main element of this action is StoredQuery which is similar to the GetFeatureById action.
  3. DescribeFeatureType It returns an XML diagram describing the sort of data served by the WFS and pointing out the petition codes of the objects in queries or transactions.

The url to the formal description of the WFS-G provided by IDEAragon is the following:

WFS-G client find out an entity or geographic feature throughout its name. The integration of the WFS-G of IDEAragon can be carried out both from Web environments and SIG clients (pay software or freeware). Below, some significant examples of requests to the service: