This web page shows the Gazetteer of Aragon is the set of geographical names official georeferenced topographic cartography at scale of 1: 10,000 or greater.
Objective: Denominations included in the Gazetteer of Aragon, will be used in official cartography produced or informed by the geographical Institute of Aragon or the rest of the administrations of the autonomous region.
The Gazetteer of Aragon, is approved by the Government of Aragon in February 2014, a proposal from the competent adviser in the field of regional planning, report of the Board of cartography of Aragon. In the Oficial Newsletter of Aragon nº 50 de 12/03/2014, publishes the agreement adopted by the Government of Aragon, at its meeting held on February 18, 2014, which approves the Gazetteer of Aragon.
NGA creation: Review of the database of geographical names of Aragon, carried out by municipalities, regions and contributors specialists on the subject and validation by the Territorial Information Center of Aragon (previous designation of the Geographical Institute of Aragon).
Toponymic database is sent to the collegiate organizations (Geographical Council, Council of Cartography of Aragon and Governing Council of Aragon) for approval as Gazetteer of Aragon.
Interesting geographical mapping product. The web address is as follows: // if you want to access the full list of geographical names and // if you want to view the geographical names.
In order to send information about problems, questions, suggestions or information in support of this project, enabled email is as follows:
Periodicity of validation and update of this Gazetteer changes will be half-yearly under the approval by the Council of Aragon Cartography.