The Territorial Indicator System of Aragón (SITA), is as a group of qualitative/ quantitative territorial indicators to carry out and evaluate the following set territorial model according to the Territorial Strategy Planning of Aragón(EOTA).
SITA provides methods to evaluate the territorial impact of different actions can affect the use and transformation of the Aragonese territory.
SITA consists of:
- Topic: classified according to Territorial Information Documents (DIT) (LEGISLATIVE DECREE 2/2015, of November 17, of Aragón Government Aragon, which approves the revised text of the Law of Regional Planning of Aragon). These are developed in the following categories:
- Population.
- Housing.
- Economic activities.
- The Infrastructures
- Public Services and Equipment.
- The Urban Land Regime.
- Political-Administrative Organization.
- Subtopic: thematic blocks based on selected topic.
- Territorial indicator: Ponderable element that sets the degree of territorial development from the sectorial/strategic point of view.
- Scale: work scale through the data is displayed. It varies depending on the selected index. Usually the scales of work are: town, local and provincial.
- Date: time scale.
- The synthetic index of territorial development: weighted indicator that serves to know the level of territorial development of the municipalities and regions of Aragon, based on indicators of the situation of the different territorial factors of development. This index allows the assessment of the territorial cohesion (equilibrium) of the Autonomous Community as established in the EOTA.
- The exploitation tools of SITA are: the annual digital Report, the Atlas of Aragon and the Synthetic Map of Territorial Development.
For any doubt or sugestión, please do e-mail us: IGEAR
Link to the Territorial Indicator System of Aragón.