The main components of IDEARAGON consist of legal, geographic, and technologic framework as well as a group of actors who allow the setting and regulate their development. These components are the following:

  • POLITICAL: Group of public organizations that take part of the platform through the collegial bodies of the Cartographic System of Aragón. In Aragón , it is the Aragón Mapping Board, a collegial body dependent of the Territorial Policy and Home Affairs Department of the Aragón Government which exercises the advisory role, and the coordination/organization of the geographic information and the official cartography of Aragón IGEAR (Geographic Institute of Aragón) is the unit in charge of the management/maintenance of the present node at regional level.

    This component develops a legal framework in which a group of common coordinating rules have to be taken into account for all the actors involved in the management of the geographic information and the supporting of the IDE platform. The legal framework sets the legal regulation, competencies, directives, and working instruments as well as the obligatory general data policy adopted by those organizations which are dedicated to manage geographic information. At present, the legal framework is developed by the following rules, depending on the territorial area: Decree 82/2015, Geographic Information Planning of Aragon, Law 14/2010 LISIGE in Spain and the Directive 2007/2/CE (INSPIRE).
  • GEOGRAPHIC: Group of main elements of an IDE which means a geographic description of those facts happened on the Aragonese territory. These elements are the following: geodata, metadata (geodata description) and the geographic service (Management of geodata/metadata is carried out by a series of functionalities through a determined graphic interface)
  • TECHNOLOGICAL: The infrastructure is based on the model of client-server architecture supported by the OGC standards and ISO rules. This model allows that sent replies (through websites or specific software) are processed and replied by transfer and interoperable communicatión systems (XML, GML). Interoperability makes possible to share the geographic information from different sources (from the Internet), as well as to carry out the ability of information systems and their proceedings in order to share/exchange data of information and the connection between them.
  • SOCIAL: A group of actors who are interested in IDE either producer/supplier of data/services, software developer, and agents or infomediaries who use geographic information to provide added value to users (community).